The Rhode Island Right to Life Committee (RIRTL) invites all to join them Saturday morning September 25th at 10AM for the First Annual Jericho Prayer Walk around the Rhode Island State House.
Gather for opening prayer at the west end of the parking lot at St. Patrick Church, adjacent to RIRTL offices at 266 Smith St, Providence, RI 02908, the group will then proceed East on Smith St to the State House, encircling the perimeter three times in silent prayer (Gaspee St and Francis St) before proceeding back to RIRTL for closing prayer. Distance totals about 2.5 miles and should take nearly one hour.
The Jericho Walk will serve as kickoff for the 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign (Sept. 22 thru Oct.31) and all are invited to sign up and participate in the Providence Campaign and commit to extra daily prayers and fasting during these 40 days for an end to abortion in America and the conversion of those who wield power in our country.