Enjoy 18 Holes on one of Rhode Island’s most beautiful and exclusive private courses, at the Point Judith Country Club on Monday, September 27th! You are offered a wonderful opportunity to support fine, Christian education at the West Bay Christian Academy’s 40th Anniversary Golf Tournament! Registration includes delicious lunch and dinner, door prizes, auction items and more! Registration 10AM/Shotgun start at 11AM/Dinner, Auction & Raffle at approximately 5PM
Special Sponsor opportunities are available for individuals and companies who wish to make a donation, with many special thank you gifts at the varying levels of giving, some including player registrations for the tournament!
Register online, or find more details, when you visit http://www.wbcagolf.org or call Jason Keith at 401-884-3600, Ext. 135 or via email to jkeith@wbca.info